Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Eal stories

Eel is a species of freshwater fish consumption with elongated rounded body shape that only has a dorsal fin and body slippery. Eels like to eat fish kids are still small. Usually living in rice paddies, in rawa-rawa/lumpur and at many times smaller. In Indonesia since 1979, becoming known and liked eel, until now much cultivated eel and become one export commodity.
International eel fishery centers centralized in Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, France and Malaysia. While the eel fishery centers in Indonesia were in Yogyakarta and West Java area. In other regions, a new shelter-eel eels caught from the wild or as a post shelter.

Classification eel is as follows:
Class: Pisces
Subclass: Teleostei
Order: Synbranchoidae
Family: Synbranchidae
Genus: Synbranchus
Species: bengalensis Synbranchus Mc clell (swamp eel); Monopterus albus Zuieuw (eel rice); Macrotema caligans Cannot (eel times / sea)

So there is an eel type 3 (three) types namely swamp eel, rice eel and eel times / sea. However, eels are frequently encountered type is the type of rice field eel.


Benefits of eel are:

   1. As the supply of animal protein.
   2. As a fulfillment of daily needs.
   3. As the blood booster medicine.

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